Planets and Other Worlds

Where did we come from? Are we alone in the Universe? We can only answer these questions by exploring the planets and other worlds of our solar system and beyond. Learn why these worlds are so important, and how you can get involved.

Mercury, Planet of Extremes

Mercury can teach us how planets form and what the early solar system was like when life arose on Earth.

Venus, Cloudy With A Chance of Life

Venus may have had oceans and been habitable to life before being transformed into an inhospitable wasteland.

Earth, Our Home Planet

Earth, the only planet known to support life, offers liquid water, an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and protection from the Sun’s harmful radiation.

The Moon, Preserving Earth's Origin Story

The Moon is the only world besides Earth ever visited by humans. By studying it, scientists can piece together Earth’s origin story.

Mars, the Red Planet

Mars once had liquid water on the surface and could have supported life. We don't know how it changed to the cold, dry desert-world it is today.

Asteroids, Comets, and Other Small Worlds

These leftover planet-building materials are time capsules that give us a peek into our origins.

Jupiter, the Planet with a Solar System of Its Own

Jupiter, our largest planet, teaches us how solar systems evolve. Its four planet-like moons make it a solar system of its own.

Saturn, Planet of Rings, Moons, and More to Explore

Saturn is the crown jewel of our solar system. It has a stunning set of rings, diverse moons, and so much more to explore.

Uranus, the Sideways Planet

Uranus may be the butt of all planet jokes, but there's much more to this world than potty humor.

Neptune, Planet of Wind and Ice

Neptune, our outermost planet, is a windy blue world with exotic ice, raging storms, rings, and a moon that could have a subsurface ocean.